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Hear about the fantastic work the Perspectives in cancer research patient and public involvement (PPI) group do in Newcastle, ensuring the patient voice is heard and has a massive impact on the development and delivery of cancer research in the Northeast. If you are interested in becoming a member contact the centre via the 'Contact us' page on the website


0191 2138453


Sir Bobby Robson Cancer Trials Research Centre, 

Northern Centre for Cancer Care

Freeman Hospital

Level 2

Freeman Rd

Newcastle upon Tyne




Ben Hood, website author, is funded by a Cancer Research UK.  This website includes an array of information from healthcare professionals and members of the public.
The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, Cancer Research UK or the Department of Health.
The information in this website is not intended to replace the advice and care of your doctor. If you have concerns about your health please consult your doctor.

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